28 research outputs found

    Design science research towards resilient cyber-physical eHealth systems

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    Most eHealth systems are cyber-physical systems (CPSs) making safety-critical decisions based on information from other systems not known during development. In this design science research, a conceptual resilience governance framework for eHealth CPSs is built utilizing 1) cybersecurity initiatives, standards and frameworks, 2) science of design for software-intensive systems and 3) empowering cyber trust and resilience. According to our study, a resilient CPS consists of two sub-systems: the proper resilient system and the situational awareness system. In a system of CPSs, three networks are composed: platform, software and social network. The resilient platform network is the basis on which information sharing between stakeholders could be created via software layers. However, the trust inside social networks quantifies the pieces of information that will be shared - and with whom. From citizens’ point of view, eHealth is wholeness in which requirements of information security hold true. Present procedures emphasize confidentiality at the expense of integrity and availability, and regulations/instructions are used as an excuse not to change even vital information. The mental-picture of cybersecurity should turn from “threat, crime, attack” to “trust” and “resilience”. Creating confidence in safe digital future is truly needed in the integration of the digital and physical world’s leading to a new digital revolution. The precondition for the exchange of information “trust” must be systematically built at every CPS’ level. In health sector, increasingly interconnected social, technical and economic networks create large complex CPSs, and risk assessment of many individual components becomes cost and time prohibitive. When no-one can control all aspects of CPSs, protection-based risk management is not enough to help prepare for and prevent consequences of foreseeable events, but resilience must be built into systems to help them quickly recover and adapt when adverse events do occur.Most eHealth systems are cyber-physical systems (CPSs) making safety-critical decisions based on information from other systems not known during development. In this design science research, a conceptual resilience governance framework for eHealth CPSs is built utilizing 1) cybersecurity initiatives, standards and frameworks, 2) science of design for software-intensive systems and 3) empowering cyber trust and resilience. According to our study, a resilient CPS consists of two sub-systems: the proper resilient system and the situational awareness system. In a system of CPSs, three networks are composed: platform, software and social network. The resilient platform network is the basis on which information sharing between stakeholders could be created via software layers. However, the trust inside social networks quantifies the pieces of information that will be shared - and with whom. From citizens’ point of view, eHealth is wholeness in which requirements of information security hold true. Present procedures emphasize confidentiality at the expense of integrity and availability, and regulations/instructions are used as an excuse not to change even vital information. The mental-picture of cybersecurity should turn from “threat, crime, attack” to “trust” and “resilience”. Creating confidence in safe digital future is truly needed in the integration of the digital and physical world’s leading to a new digital revolution. The precondition for the exchange of information “trust” must be systematically built at every CPS’ level. In health sector, increasingly interconnected social, technical and economic networks create large complex CPSs, and risk assessment of many individual components becomes cost and time prohibitive. When no-one can control all aspects of CPSs, protection-based risk management is not enough to help prepare for and prevent consequences of foreseeable events, but resilience must be built into systems to help them quickly recover and adapt when adverse events do occur

    Towards Comprehensive Security Related Pedagogy : An Approach to Learning and Resilience

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    The indent of this study is in progress of comprehensive security related pedagogy in the forms of national-international information sharing and knowledge management with the shared policy developing, collaboration in externally funded research consortiums, structures of security and safety organisations, and integration of strategic research and development (R&D) agenda with higher education functions. The study includes multiple case study analysis of integration of R&D projects and higher education functions, revised viewpoints to comprehensive security pedagogy and R&D related learning, and an approach to adaptive change process and resilience. The main contribution of study addresses to the progress of emergent educational aspects for the security related interactions, pedagogy, integration of higher education R&D, and collective research with national and European Commission research programmes

    Improvement suggestions for DSRM model

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    This study addresses the process of Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM). The study’s proposal is that the DSRM process can be revised by relevant elements, such as user experience, co-creativity, and trust building. The research revealed that user-centered aspects and user-computer interactions are important for the success of the design and realization of information systems, and thus are necessary to take into account in the DSRM process model. The main findings of the study are that it is imperative to integrate the users’ experience and design research, trust building, and co-creativity aspects into the DSRM process as early as possible. It is also vital to train users to use the system so that the system’s design-development-dissemination continuums can be as effective as possible. The outcome of this study addresses the DSRM process and its modularity, usefulness, and feasibility in the field of information systems design theory

    Towards Common Information Systems Maturity Validation : Resilience Readiness Levels (ResRL)

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    The intent of this study is on a proposal of resilience readiness level (ResRL) metrics towards their aspects, factors, definition, criteria, references and further questionnaires for the contribution of combined-total maturity measures and pre-operational validation of shared and adaptive information services and systems. The study attempts to answer the following research question: how can ResRL metrics be understood in the domain of shared information systems and services. It aims to improve ways of the acceptance, operational validation, pre-order validation, risk assessment and development of adaptive mechanisms as well as the integration of information systems and services by actors and authorities across national borders

    Regional Development : Four Perspectives of Interactions of Research and Development in University of Applied Sciences

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    There are three main statutory tasks for universities of applied sciences in Finland: 1) education; 2) research and development; and 3) regional development. In this continuum of research, the overall research question is: How can the regional development task be understood, designed, defined and actualized in UAS? This question would extend to: 1) what are the characteristics of the dynamic and core capabilities in a region; and 2) how the regional capabilities can be linked to the competences, curriculum, related theories, R&D, and creativity activities in context of UAS. In this study, the research question is: how can the regional development be designed and actualized in perspective or collaborative R&D in the UAS? The used research method is a case study analysis. According to three tasks, UASs should work closely with companies and collaborate with the public sector, regional participants and R&D actors. Then, in the focus, there are development efforts that foster regional development and take into account the structure of a region

    Resilient Learning : Towards Integration of Strategic Research Programmes, Higher Education Functions and Regional-National Development

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    In this study, the concept of Learning by Research and Development (R&D) is furthered to the world of more resilient learning in the setting of security related R&D projects for development of co-creative products, services and action competence. The background of this study includes an interdisciplinary combination of service science, security, computer science, pedagogy, engineering, and management science. The interdisciplinary combination involves researchers, learners, teachers, and other participants connecting and integrating the academic disciplines, professions, and technologies, along with their methods and perspectives for co-creation of a common goal. This goal emphasizes results as high-value impacts, as well as the value of products, services, and innovations as “deliverables” of the integrative learning process. Until recently, the Learning by R&D model is clear and transparent; as such, it can be adopted by learning and R&D integration of other sciences and higher education institutions. The structure of the model is also easy to adapt and renew in case of a change, which means that it can develop from the inside on the one hand, and produce interactions, adaptions, resilience and innovations on the other

    Towards Knowledge and Data Fusion Community : Knowledge Sources, Transfers and Co-Creation in Externally Funded Research and Development Consortiums

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    The most important element of the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) is to allow the data collected by the maritime authority to be available for specific purposes by the other maritime authorities. Different actors collect data on a number of occasions and CISE allows for cross-border and cross-sector information exchange. Compliance with the European Maritime Security Strategy and CISE model maximises interoperability with other already existing and functioning Maritime Safety Authorities’ (MSA) entities. This qualitative study brings out European Union projects FiNCISE, EUCISE and MARISA together with authorities’ cooperation in maritime domain. A response to security challenges and improving safety requires the cooperation of all administrative sectors, other actors, and close interaction. The action of authorities needs to be more strongly aimed at common goals. Authorities will contribute to a stronger position to act together culture and a strong commitment to common goals. The challenges are not solvable by a single administrative sector or a single actor alone posed by the complex global environment. Cooperation insist deep and committed cooperation between the authorities and other actor

    Tutkiva oppiminen integratiivisissa oppimisympäristöissä, BarLaurea ja REDLabs

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    Ammattikorkeakoulutuksen kehittäminen on haastava ja moniulotteinen tehtävä. Uuden ammattikorkeakoululain mukaan kokonaistehtävään sisältyy kolme keskeistä tehtävää: opetus, tutkimus- ja kehitystyö sekä aluekehitystyö. Näitä tehtävien toteuttamiseksi ja kehittämiseksi Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulussa on luotu konseptio, integratiiviset oppimisympäristöt joista BarLaurea ja REDLabs ovat ensimmäiset ja olleet toiminnassa neljä vuotta. Julkaisussa kuvataan konseption syntyminen sen perusteet, argumentointi ja saavutetut tulokset. Aluekehityksestä on tullut kehittämisen lähtökohta, aluekehitystehtävä rikastaa oppimista. Alalla tarvittavien kompetenssien ja teknologioiden ennakoiva tarkastelu aiheuttaa positiivista oppisisältöjen uudistamisen painetta oppimisympäristöihin ja opintosuunnitelmien teemojen toteututuksiin. Teemojen rikastuminen ja dynaaminen sisällönmuodostus periytyy alan kehittämisen lähtökohdista rikastuttava, motivoiva ja innostava työyhteisö on syntynyt. Innovatiivinen pedagogiikka on vielä kehityksensä alkutaipaleella, opiskelijat arvioivat prosessinomaisesti omaa oppimistaan ja ottavat vastuun sen tuloksista. Opettajien rooli oppimisprosessissa muuttuu. Opiskelijoiden näkemysten mukaan pedagogiikka on toimivaa, mikä osoittaa periaatteiden välittyneen käytännön työhön. Toimivuus näkyy myös opiskelijoiden innostuneisuutena ja motivoituneisuutena. Ne ovat luovan ja sitoutuneen toiminnan tunnusmerkkejä. Tutkivat ja kehittävät opettajat ovat oman tiedonalansa eksperttejä, ymmärtävät opiskelijoiden oppimisesta ja niistä uusista työelämän vaatimuksista jota valmistuvat asiantuntijat tarvitsevat. He ovat muutoskykyisiä tiedonalallaan ja osaavat vastata oppisisällöissä valmistuvien asiantuntijoiden tarpeisiin ja ovat viimeisimmän tiedon virittämiä, alati kehittävät expertiyttään integroiden oppimisensa innostuneina opiskelijoiden oppimisesta. Vaikuttavuuksista tärkeimpiä ovat motivaatio, erityisesti sisäisen motivaation muutokset,oppiminen, palaute, alan ja alueen kehittyminen, sosiaalisten käytänteiden kehittyminen, uskon ja luottamuksen lisääntyminen omiin mahdollisuuksiin ja kykyihin, ahkeruuden arvon lisääntyminen ja työn mielekkyys ja henki. BarLaurea ja REDLabs vaikuttivat merkittävästi siihen, että Laurea valittiin sekä aluekehitysvaikutuksen huippuyksiköksi 2003 että koulutuksen laatuyksiköksi 2005. BarLaurea ja REDLabs ovat pystyneet kehittämään ja löytämään uusia ja toimivia menetelmiä ja käytänteitä ammatillisen kasvun tukemiseen. Ylemmän ammattikorkeakoulututkinnon tavoitteena on tuottaa uutta työelämässä tarvittavaa osaamista tiedon tai toimialan käytäntöjen kehittämiseen, koordinointiin sekä menetelmällisyyteen. Integratiiviset oppimisympäristöt ja komplementaarinen toimintamalli mahdollistavat asiantuntijuuden syventämisen ja laajentamisen toteuttamisen hyvin erilaisten tarpeiden ja tavoitteiden pohjalta. Integratiivisilla oppimisympäristöillä tulee olemaan merkittävä rooli tässä toteutuksessa

    Towards employee based knowledge interactions to facilitate group learning within a team collaboration tool : An exploratory case study analysis

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    The indent of this study is on a case study analysis of organizational knowledge nexus and related collective learning in customer support operations of a high-tech company. The unit of analysis was an existing information flow as knowledge related interaction within a customer support process. The study was focused to organizational learning targets as strengthening of effectiveness of the organization’s knowledge building and management. The exploratory social network analysis denotes that experience and tenure within the company is a common denominator of key personnel. In addition, employees’ contribution ratio to community progress over time as they gradually shift from learners to mentors. The findings derived from the social network analysis of a team collaboration tool needs be further researched in conformity studies